Patent spotting: new Ace Combat game in the works?
Siliconera went patent-spotting recently and guess what they found – two Namco Bandai patents sharing a similar theme: “Skies of Fury” and “Skies of Hostility.” When Namco Bandai and skies are on the same subject line, one would probably remember their flight simulator, Ace Combat, which hasn’t been making its presence felt in the gaming scene in a while. Another installment, maybe?
Siliconera went patent-spotting recently and guess what they found – two Namco Bandai patents sharing a similar theme: “Skies of Fury” and “Skies of Hostility.” When Namco Bandai and skies are on the same subject line, one would probably remember their flight simulator, Ace Combat, which hasn’t been making its presence felt in the gaming scene in a while. Another installment, maybe?
Despite spotting two trademarks, Siliconera also reports that it’s likely that we’re looking at only one title, whether it’s Ace Combat or not. Namco Bandai, after all, has this habit of filing for multiple trademarks which they probably use as backup names.
Ace Combat: Skies of Fury. Ace Combat: Skies of Hostility. The former has a better ring to it, I think. Whether we’re looking at another flight sim or entirely new IP and for which platform/s this one is coming, we can wait until more details trickle in.
More patent-spotting:
Via Siliconera