PDC World Championship Darts 2008 for Wii: more realistic than ever
Oxygen Interactive is ready to reprise its role in making this year’s professional darts simulator with PDC World Championship Darts 2008. The game will be based off last year’s 2007 championships with some of the world’s leading dart players going head to head in this revamped version of the game.
Check out the video right after the jump!
Oxygen Interactive is ready to reprise its role in making this year’s professional darts simulator with PDC World Championship Darts 2008. The game will be based off last year’s 2007 championships with some of the world’s leading dart players going head to head in this revamped version of the game.
Since its previous iteration was released last year, there have been a lot of significant changes. Suffice to say, that the visual quality has improved greatly. The models of well known professional dart players were spot on and copies everything from the way they dress in tournaments to even their patented stances before making a throw.
Even the physics engine was overhauled to give the game a more realistic feel. You’ll now see darts bounce off others already on the board, as well as the disappointing sound of it hitting off the wire just when you thought you hit a perfect bulls eye.
There’s even a career mode where you can take control of one of 15 darts players and try to surpass the standings of your fellow professionals. If that doesn’t suit your style, you can always create your own budding darts playing professional and try to climb to the top by beating all the biggest names in the circuit.
However, the biggest improvement would probably be the inclusion of the game on the Nintendo Wii console. If ever there was a game which screamed “put me on the Wii!”, then it’s PDC World Championship Darts 2008.
Thanks to the motion tracking of the Wiimote, it adds a definite aspect of realism into the game. You can actually experience what it’s like being in Phil “the power” Taylor’s or Raymond van Barneveld’s shoes as you line up your shots for that satisfying “180”.
PDC World Championship Darts 2008 is expected to hit European shelves this January 11 on the PC, PS2, PSP, Wii and DS. In the meantime, you can take a look at the promo video we have for the game below.