Peace Walker – new game or just a regular trademark?

Peace Walker - Image 1New game? Or just another trade mark? The USPTO shows us this file for Peace Walker, but no word on the actual purpose of this registration. More info in the full article.

A piece of the USPTO file - Image 1

New game? Or just another trade mark? The USPTO shows us this registration for Peace Walker, but no word on the actual purpose of this file. It’s a good source of speculation, but not all registrations turn out to be games. Sometimes, stuff like this get filed for use within games and/or to protect software. From what we’re seeing from the file though, it’s definitely game-related.

Peace walker, huh? It does sound like a game though. Another Suikoden, maybe? Another underage hero leading an army sounds very Peace Walker material. Unlikely though, since Suikoden titles just come with the series title and a number. Metal Gear, perhaps? Your thoughts?

Check the full entry via the source link.

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