Penumbra: Overture’s spider squashing gameplay vid
Horror-puzzle game, Penumbra: Overture really does its job well and amps up the “creepiness” factor. Don’t believe us, well, check out this spideriffic gameplay vid:
Yeah, this is the next video in a series of “informational” videos about the game. This one in particular features the survival aspects of this puzzle game. Yeah, the wolf attacks looks a bit weird, but remember, this is only a preview after all, and not the final product, so let’s reserve judgement until the game comes out.
What’s amusing about this is that it’s set in Greenland. For some ethereal reason, Greenland is the last place that you’d equate with “creepy.” The game is set to hit retail come Q1 2007 (other sites say October 2007). We’ll update you guys when more info on this horror game spawns from the dark abyss.
Via GameTrailers
Horror-puzzle game, Penumbra: Overture really does its job well and amps up the “creepiness” factor. Don’t believe us, well, check out this spideriffic gameplay vid:
Yeah, this is the next video in a series of “informational” videos about the game. This one in particular features the survival aspects of this puzzle game. Yeah, the wolf attacks looks a bit weird, but remember, this is only a preview after all, and not the final product, so let’s reserve judgement until the game comes out.
What’s amusing about this is that it’s set in Greenland. For some ethereal reason, Greenland is the last place that you’d equate with “creepy.” The game is set to hit retail come Q1 2007 (other sites say October 2007). We’ll update you guys when more info on this horror game spawns from the dark abyss.
Via GameTrailers