PETA just wants to play Cooking Mama, asks for a vegetarian kitchen
Despite making poor Cooking Mama look like a bloodthirsty butcher, PETA still loves Mama. Even so, Joel Bartlett of PETA is asking the cooking guru to, “Pledge to be veg for 30 days.” Maybe they just want to play Cooking Mama (DS, Wii), but can’t because of all those non-veg dishes. Bartlett even sends Mama a letter. Details in the full article.
In response to Mama’s statement yesterday, Joel Bartlett, assistant director of marketing for PETA, sends Mama a letter of peace and love, even asking Mama to go with Cooking Mama: Vegetarian Kitchen. Even though they made a playable parody of Mama as a bloodthirsty butcher, PETA maintains that they still love Mama.
In the letter, Bartlett was glad to report that thanks to the bloody Cooking Mama parody, tens of thousands of people watched the undercover footage from turkey farms that they have. They understand the game’s concept, but they still urge Mama to “Pledge to be veg for 30 days.”
Based on your and Majesco’s good-natured responses to PETA’s game, I think you understand that although we made you into a demonic, knife-wielding maniac in Cooking Mama: Mama Kills Animals, we still love you. While we had a good time roasting you, the real purpose of our game, of course, was to bring to light some of the horrific practices of the turkey industry. And we mean the animals who are actually mistreated—not the virtual ones you cook up in your digital kitchen.
Bartlett then points out that Mama could still have her wide variety of dishes with Indian, Thai, Japanese, and Middle Eastern cuisines, which have a lot of vegetarian and vegan options.
After all that in-game butchering, PETA just wants to play Cooking Mama (DS, Wii)! But they can’t, so they’re asking Majesco to cook up a vegetarian kitchen for them. They’ll even help promote the would-be game to over 2 million members and supporters.
What say you, Mama?
More on PETA vs. Cooking Mama:
- “I would never put rat in my Ratatouille” – Cooking Mama responds to PETA
- Get meaner than Mama: PETA targets Cooking Mama for serving meat dishes