Peter Dille, Motorstorm resolutions, and Emmy Awards

Even we were a bit misled by that Emmy Award winning Sony press-release, so much so that we had to post the complete list of Emmy Tech Award winners just to clarify things. So Sony got confused and thought the award meant for the DualShock was meant for the SIXAXIS. Forgivable? Well that’s a subjective thing, but at the least, that situation was understandable.


We might have another Sony PR-induced confusion. Sony employees having been telling the press for quite some time now that MotorStorm should run at 1080p at 60fps. Peter Dille even emphasizes in the CES keynote that MotorStorm will run at 1080p at 60fps. Then we run this report that SCEA goes on to say at 1UP that Motorstorm will be at 720p and will run at 30fps. So what are we to believe? Who are we to believe?

There’s the Peter Dille, Senior Vice-President of Marketing, that said in the CES keynote that Motorstorm will run at 1080p and that it has been Sony’s goal all along to sell one million units. There’s the Peter Dille, Senior Vice-President of Marketing, that said in an Engadget interview that they’re “on track” to sell two million units. Then there’s SCEA who says that Peter Dille, Senior Vice-President of Marketing gets accidentally “caught up up in the greater context” of things.

While we believe that it’s good news that the PS3 sold a million since launch, and while we really support the console itself, there really are some times when news from Sony makes our heads spin. Other entities are somewhat distrustful of Sony at the moment, but we’d like to think of this whole situation as a simple foul-up. PR people do what they do, and sometimes they get ahead of themselves.

Yeah, blame us for coloring our skepticism with a bit of positivity. Speaking of which, this reminds us of something that Tycho from Penny-Arcade wrote:

Everyone is always quick to temper their dour assessments of Sony with a shining song of hope renewed, little blog ballads about how things will be awesome tomorrow, tomorrow for the hulking Sony dust magnet, but this isn’t a thing you can actually know.

Sorry Tycho, but yeah, we’re a sad hopeful lot. The sun’ll come out, Tomorrow, So ya gotta hang on, ‘Til tomorrow, Come what may, Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I love ya Tomorrow! You’re always, A day, Away~~~~!

Even we were a bit misled by that Emmy Award winning Sony press-release, so much so that we had to post the complete list of Emmy Tech Award winners just to clarify things. So Sony got confused and thought the award meant for the DualShock was meant for the SIXAXIS. Forgivable? Well that’s a subjective thing, but at the least, that situation was understandable.


We might have another Sony PR-induced confusion. Sony employees having been telling the press for quite some time now that MotorStorm should run at 1080p at 60fps. Peter Dille even emphasizes in the CES keynote that MotorStorm will run at 1080p at 60fps. Then we run this report that SCEA goes on to say at 1UP that Motorstorm will be at 720p and will run at 30fps. So what are we to believe? Who are we to believe?

There’s the Peter Dille, Senior Vice-President of Marketing, that said in the CES keynote that Motorstorm will run at 1080p and that it has been Sony’s goal all along to sell one million units. There’s the Peter Dille, Senior Vice-President of Marketing, that said in an Engadget interview that they’re “on track” to sell two million units. Then there’s SCEA who says that Peter Dille, Senior Vice-President of Marketing gets accidentally “caught up up in the greater context” of things.

While we believe that it’s good news that the PS3 sold a million since launch, and while we really support the console itself, there really are some times when news from Sony makes our heads spin. Other entities are somewhat distrustful of Sony at the moment, but we’d like to think of this whole situation as a simple foul-up. PR people do what they do, and sometimes they get ahead of themselves.

Yeah, blame us for coloring our skepticism with a bit of positivity. Speaking of which, this reminds us of something that Tycho from Penny-Arcade wrote:

Everyone is always quick to temper their dour assessments of Sony with a shining song of hope renewed, little blog ballads about how things will be awesome tomorrow, tomorrow for the hulking Sony dust magnet, but this isn’t a thing you can actually know.

Sorry Tycho, but yeah, we’re a sad hopeful lot. The sun’ll come out, Tomorrow, So ya gotta hang on, ‘Til tomorrow, Come what may, Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I love ya Tomorrow! You’re always, A day, Away~~~~!

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