Phantasy Star Portable 2 save file unlocks Emilia in Valkyria Chronicles 2
When I hear Phantasy Star Portable 2 in the news lately, it usually has something to do with various entities (from animé to Pizza Hut) making a small cameo in the game. This time, the game will be doing the cameo-ing as it makes its presence felt in Valkyria Chronicles 2.
When I hear Phantasy Star Portable 2 in the news lately, it usually has something to do with various entities (from animé to Pizza Hut) making a small cameo in the game. This time, the game will be doing the cameo-ing as it makes its presence felt in Valkyria Chronicles 2.
All you need is a Phantasy Star Portable 2 save file, load it up in Valkyria Chronicles 2 and it unlocks Emilia, two special missions, and some customization stickers.
All this, of course, is available only for Japan. The North American release for Valkyria Chronicles 2 is due Summer 2010, but Sega hasn’t announced a Phantasy Star Portable 2 localization so far. Let’s hope a Japanese save file works on the NA release, otherwise the whole feature bites the dust.
Famitsu [via Siliconera]