Phone book found inside PS3 box from EB Games
Brandon Burns, 13, was supposed to receive a Sony PlayStation 3 from his parents for Christmas. To his and his parents’ dismay, the big black box from EB Games only contained a phone book which price tag probably doesn’t come close to the US$ 500 Brandon’s folks spent.
More on this at the full article.
Saying Christmas is the time for surprises is no understatement for 13-year old Brandon Burns from Thousand Oaks, who unboxed what appeared to be a Sony PlayStation 3 only to find a phone book. The package was bought from EB Games for the full price of US$ 500.
According to Fox News, Brandon wasn’t particularly upset. The young man laughed about what he discovered inside the box, but his parents weren’t very happy. Brandon’s folks are planning to keep the phone book and the PS3’s box, then take the receipt to the Thousand Oaks mall where they made the purchase.
The Burns were at least able to get the copies of Skate and Pirates of the Caribean: At World’s End that were supposed to be Brandon’s first games. For now, here’s to hoping they can also claim the console they paid a good amount of money for.