PicoozIR v2 – control infrared chopper using a PSP
French homebrew developer pacopad has just devised a program that allows users to control the micro infrared helicopter Picoo Z using the PlayStation Portable.
The name of the application is PicoozIR and is currently in version 2. pacopad also mentioned that PicoozIR is compatible with firmware 1.5 and custom firmwares.
Other information and the download link after the jump!
French homebrew developer pacopad has just devised a program that allows users to control the micro infrared helicopter Picoo Z using the PlayStation Portable. We know you are familiar with the toy, it was also released in the West under the name Air Hogs Havoc Heli.
The name of the application is PicoozIR and is currently in version 2. Here’s the translated version of the changelog for this release:
- Added 2 modes of driving.
- Transition Command Mode 1 in analog.
- Search for MP3 improved (deeper in the tree).
- The program leaves cleanly (not crash over the PSP).
- Before using 2 new modes, the author strongly recommends that the test without the helicopters, just to observe the behavior of gauze and management.
- To begin with the flight mode 3, you have to set the background to stick to the bottom so that the indication “NoGo” a pass “Go”. For any cut, press the down arrow and then returns indicated a “NoGo” Version 2 was completed, tested and approved.
- Version 2 was completed, tested and approved.
- Pacopad already working on version 3, which will incorporate other models picooz.
pacopad also mentioned that PicoozIR is compatible with firmware 1.5 and custom firmwares from Team M33/Dark AleX. The program comes with an English Readme.txt file that should provide you with other necessary information about installation and usage.
Download: PicoozIR v2
Via Gueux-Forum