PiMPStreamer 0.25a released!

Once he’s started, there’s no stopping him! DickyDick1969 has released yet another update to his PiMPStreaner homebrew application, updating it to V0.25a. This Homebrew applciation allows you to stream movies directly from your PC to your PSP wirelessly, using a modification of the PMP mod.
New features in this release:
- Smooth audio thanks to improved framerate settings (V 0.25)
- Removed TCP setsockoptions (V0.25a)
This piece of homebrew keeps getting better, and personally, i think it’s one of the best applications on the homebrew scene today, especially with the rate of updates!
Download: [PiMPStreamer 0.25a]
Support links:
Official release thread
DickyDick1969’s homepage

Once he’s started, there’s no stopping him! DickyDick1969 has released yet another update to his PiMPStreaner homebrew application, updating it to V0.25a. This Homebrew applciation allows you to stream movies directly from your PC to your PSP wirelessly, using a modification of the PMP mod.
New features in this release:
- Smooth audio thanks to improved framerate settings (V 0.25)
- Removed TCP setsockoptions (V0.25a)
This piece of homebrew keeps getting better, and personally, i think it’s one of the best applications on the homebrew scene today, especially with the rate of updates!
Download: [PiMPStreamer 0.25a]
Support links:
Official release thread
DickyDick1969’s homepage