PiMPStreamer DLNA for PlayStation 3 v1.1
PlayStation 3 owners who want to share files by way of homebrew may check out the application called PiMPStreamer DLNA for PlayStation 3 from the coder DickyDick1969. As a matter of fact, the coder has just rolled out version 1.1 which fixes stability among other things. Know more after the jump!
Download: PiMPStreamer DLNA for PS3 v1.1
Homebrew developer DickyDick1969, it seems, is really back in the scene. After releasing the initial build for PiMPStreamer DLNA for the PlayStation 3, the coder came out today with a new update bumping the program up to version 1.1.
For those who missed our first coverage on this, PiMPStreamer DLNA is actually a small media server for DLNA capable clients such as Sony‘s latest console.
The objective is to make sharing of files easy without the need for endless library buildups. The following changelog was provided by DickyDick1969 for PiMPStreamer DLNA v1.1:
- Stability fixes
- Support for UNC paths (computershare)
- Icon in XMB
- Some bugs in starting and exiting the program
- Multi threading issues fixed
- Minor stuff
The release does come with a documentation which will guide you on how to install the program and make it work for your Sony PlayStation 3. Be sure to read that first before doing anything to avoid any problems.
Download: PiMPStreamer DLNA for PS3 v1.1
Via Pimpware