Pirates of the Carribean Online new content coming in February
If you think that your pirate still doesn’t look mean enough to strike enough terror in the high seas, then you’ll be glad to know that by February, Disney Online will be releasing some new content to customize those salty seadog characters of yours in Pirates of the Carribean Online.
For more details on what’s included in the new content, read more in the full article!
With the recent release of Disney Online’s Pirates of the Carribean Online, the developers are already coming up with a lot of new content for this buccaneering MMORPG based on the movie series of the same name.
Most of the new content will focus on more customizable elements to make that mean lean pirate you’ve always dreamed about. Specifically, here are some of the new customizable avatar content to be included in the update:
- Clothing: New pants, hats, coats, and more
- New hairstyles
- Tattoos
- Jewelry: Including earrings, nose rings, necklaces and more
Aside from character customization features, Disney Online has additional content planned for other elements such as ship customization, extending existing quest storylines, and adding more one-eyed pirates, not to mention other challenges than you can stomach.
The new content is slated to go live this coming February. Hopefully, they’ll be able to add that undead parrot accessory some of us here at QJ.NET have always wanted to give their pirates.