Players found new golden exploit for WoW
We need your help with this one, guys. This includes World of Warcraft, the latest patch Before the Storm and players from the other side of the world…literally. Apparently, non-American players have been enjoying a “golden glitch” for days now. The odd thing is that the exploit first appeared after the patch went live for U.S. and Europe.
The following explanation is from Chinese sources, so pardon the translation. At any rate, here’s how the bug works:
When two accounts transferring gold, one account deliver all gold to other and then log off, if this account access again, the incredible is gold still exist in, definitely, the other account get the same amount of gold easily by reproducing. The mount of gold will be increased indefinitely with this way again and again.
On a much simpler explanation, players use the bug, then they get booted out. They go back, trade in the gold to put it in their inventory and find gold again on the same location. A simple math will tell you that these players earned more than 120 golds in just under eight minutes.
There are other reports that the bug has now been stopped with Blizzard Entertainment banning addresses the other day. But there is no telling when such exploits will again arise. The illegal gold were spread all over the world (bug users are sharing their “fortune” with other players) and that seriously crushed the game’s gold balance.
Blizzard has already mentioned that the matter is already under control. But we are still quite anxious. These things, logically, happen after a patch or an expansion comes out. We wonder what happens finally when The Burning Crusade is released. We definitely don’t want to see WoW destroyed because of petty things like this.
Via GnomeProblem
We need your help with this one, guys. This includes World of Warcraft, the latest patch Before the Storm and players from the other side of the world…literally. Apparently, non-American players have been enjoying a “golden glitch” for days now. The odd thing is that the exploit first appeared after the patch went live for U.S. and Europe.
The following explanation is from Chinese sources, so pardon the translation. At any rate, here’s how the bug works:
When two accounts transferring gold, one account deliver all gold to other and then log off, if this account access again, the incredible is gold still exist in, definitely, the other account get the same amount of gold easily by reproducing. The mount of gold will be increased indefinitely with this way again and again.
On a much simpler explanation, players use the bug, then they get booted out. They go back, trade in the gold to put it in their inventory and find gold again on the same location. A simple math will tell you that these players earned more than 120 golds in just under eight minutes.
There are other reports that the bug has now been stopped with Blizzard Entertainment banning addresses the other day. But there is no telling when such exploits will again arise. The illegal gold were spread all over the world (bug users are sharing their “fortune” with other players) and that seriously crushed the game’s gold balance.
Blizzard has already mentioned that the matter is already under control. But we are still quite anxious. These things, logically, happen after a patch or an expansion comes out. We wonder what happens finally when The Burning Crusade is released. We definitely don’t want to see WoW destroyed because of petty things like this.
Via GnomeProblem