PlayStation 3 homebrew game: Pukapu v0.0.2

Homebrew - Pukapu v0.0.2 - Image 1Like clockwork, homebrew developer bu-nyan has released another homebrew game for the PlayStation 3. This one’s called Pukapu, what looks to be a side-scrolling arcade game.

Download: Pukapu v0.0.2

Homebrew - Pukapu v0.0.2 - Image 1Like clockwork, homebrew developer bu-nyan has released another homebrew game for the PlayStation 3. This one’s called Pukapu, what looks to be a side-scrolling arcade game.

According to the translated description of the file (or from what I can make sense of the translation), your task is to avoid the crows flying on screen. You’re the little Pikachu-type animal (?) on screen. Anyhow, this game should be able to play on any PS3 firmware.

Download: Pukapu v0.0.2

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Via bu-nyan

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