PlayStation Blog: Echochrome (PS3) to get 20 new user-created content
Think Echochrome‘s pre-packaged collection of vertigo-inducing puzzles was easy? If so, then you’ll be happy to know that another 20 user-generated challenges are being made available for the game’s PS3 port. More details in the full article.
Given that it’s been two weeks since Echochrome‘s (PSP, PSN) launch to North America, we imagine there’s now a good number of players around who’ve successfully completed the game.
Now, in case you’re thinking this is the best this puzzle title can unleash, you’re in for a pleasant surprise – at least if you happen to own its PlayStation 3 port.
Kumi Yuasa of the Echochrome team has announced that from May 15 to 21, they’ll be releasing 20 user-created puzzles for you to solve. Kumi elaborated on where you can pick up these new challenges:
The additional levels will appear at random in freeform mode if you set your difficulty level to 2 or 3. The difficulty level is represented by the bars at the bottom right of the loading screen between freeform levels, and the difficulty for the next level can be set while the next level is loading by pressing left or right on the d-pad. Levels are picked randomly from all levels in your “gallery”, “portfolio”, and user created levels.
Kumi further noted that they’ll also unveil the PSN ID of the puzzles that were chosen for distribution. How’s that for bragging rights? Those interested in viewing screenshots of some of the player-generated puzzles will want to visit Kumi’s post via the source link below.
Via PlayStation Blog