Playstation Emulator Footage?
I wouldn?t get your hopes up just yet. A one post user named duckman06 put up a thread with some video footage of Final Fantasy 7 playing (at what looks like full speed) on the PSP. Now I?m not one to judge, but to have a Playstation emulator able to play FF7 at full speed seems?well?bogus (at least for now). However you can go ahead and judge for yourself.
You can get it in our PSP Download section [here].
I wouldn?t get your hopes up just yet. A one post user named duckman06 put up a thread with some video footage of Final Fantasy 7 playing (at what looks like full speed) on the PSP. Now I?m not one to judge, but to have a Playstation emulator able to play FF7 at full speed seems?well?bogus (at least for now). However you can go ahead and judge for yourself.
You can get it in our PSP Download section [here].