Playstation Europe forums: PSN authentication and downtime update
Here’s a big heads-up for the guys who frequently banter over at Europe‘s PlayStation forums. Sony is sending word that they will be implementing a PSN-authentication scheme soon, which is your cue to make the necessary preparations. Details on this update are available in the full article.
From the looks of it, it’s not just Sony‘s PlayStation Store service that’s undergoing some major tweaking.
Community manager Lestrade is sending word that they will launch their PSN-authentication scheme for Europe‘s official PlayStation forums by April 14 (Monday).
What this means is that starting on April 14, visitors to the PlayStation Forums will have to log in using their PSN Sign-In ID and PSN password. The user’s forum name will in turn be their PSN Online ID. You will also have to link your forum account with your PSN account to do so.
You’ll also want to prepare asap: Lestrade notes that Europe’s forums will be going down from April 6 (Sunday) to April 14 (Monday) to prepare it for its planned changes. Now, if you’re wondering how to configure your accounts properly, Sony has a tutorial that should help. It’s accessible on Lestrade’s thread post, via the source link below.