PlayStation Home and Xbox Live video comparison

With Linkin Park blasting away on the background, this post is sure to get you fanboys busy talking. Not that we’re encouraging you to trash talk each other here in our comments section (we will be moderating it, after all). But more than just about the background music, the video is actually a comparison between Sony‘s PlayStation Home and Microsoft‘s Xbox Live.

Now, it isn’t exactly difficult to see which one looks more kick-ass (and that statement is honestly without any tinge of fanboyism in it, mind you). I would certainly be lying if I say that the PlayStation Home don’t look any more interesting than the Xbox Live, even with its AI and graphics and other whatnots. I mean, really, what does the flat layout of the Xbox Live have to say about that?

But to be objective about it, isn’t it way too early to be judging as to which is the better online content provider? The PlayStation Home has yet to be finished with their beta even. And at the end of the day, I think you’ll all have to agree with me that it’s not about what kind of graphics and cool tricks available on what system that will count more. It is the service that will ultimately be the gauge as to who deserves what.

Then again, as we said, we’ll have to wait and see until the PlayStation Home officially launches before we can actually give an intelligent comparison. But so far, because of the market advantage that the Xbox 360 has had, due to its earlier launch over the other next-gen consoles, it is pretty safe to say that the Xbox Live has already proven itself trustworthy enough when it comes to online content and more. As to whether or not the PlayStation Home can match that, we can’t tell just yet.So don’t be counting them chicks even before that egg has hatched.

Anyway, some of the points of comparison raised in this video would be the prices, the gamer card/character, the Home and the Arcade, and the Achievements. Check it out and see what it’s all about.

With Linkin Park blasting away on the background, this post is sure to get you fanboys busy talking. Not that we’re encouraging you to trash talk each other here in our comments section (we will be moderating it, after all). But more than just about the background music, the video is actually a comparison between Sony‘s PlayStation Home and Microsoft‘s Xbox Live.

Now, it isn’t exactly difficult to see which one looks more kick-ass (and that statement is honestly without any tinge of fanboyism in it, mind you). I would certainly be lying if I say that the PlayStation Home don’t look any more interesting than the Xbox Live, even with its AI and graphics and other whatnots. I mean, really, what does the flat layout of the Xbox Live have to say about that?

But to be objective about it, isn’t it way too early to be judging as to which is the better online content provider? The PlayStation Home has yet to be finished with their beta even. And at the end of the day, I think you’ll all have to agree with me that it’s not about what kind of graphics and cool tricks available on what system that will count more. It is the service that will ultimately be the gauge as to who deserves what.

Then again, as we said, we’ll have to wait and see until the PlayStation Home officially launches before we can actually give an intelligent comparison. But so far, because of the market advantage that the Xbox 360 has had, due to its earlier launch over the other next-gen consoles, it is pretty safe to say that the Xbox Live has already proven itself trustworthy enough when it comes to online content and more. As to whether or not the PlayStation Home can match that, we can’t tell just yet.So don’t be counting them chicks even before that egg has hatched.

Anyway, some of the points of comparison raised in this video would be the prices, the gamer card/character, the Home and the Arcade, and the Achievements. Check it out and see what it’s all about.

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