PlayStation Home Beta: Ubidays gets first dibs on Media and Events Space

Ubidays 2008 will be first publisher event broadcast inside Home - Image 1Remember a few days ago when Sony unveiled the Media and Events Space in the PlayStation Home Beta? Looks like Ubisoft has first dibs on the virtual space, treating beta testers to an online version of Ubidays. More info and a video walkthrough of the Ubidays event in PS Home in the full article.

A few days ago, Sony revealed the new Media and Events Space on the PlayStation Home beta. Once Home launches, the Space will serve as a place for first- and third-party groups to host their own productions for residents of Home.

For now though, the Media and Events Space is only open for Beta Testers. The developing studio to get first dibs on the Space is Ubisoft, who gives beta testers their own virtual experience of Ubidays, the company’s annual trade show.

This goes to show how powerful Home can be once it launches. It’s certainly a boon when conventions and trade shows are no longer limited to physical attendance. No more interstate and international traveling, and no more sold-out tickets. Marvelous.

Ubidays on PlayStation Home launched yesterday, and showcased new titles from Ubisoft. Likely these are games they also unveiled in the real-world Ubidays like Tom Clancy’s EndWar, Far Cry 2 and Beyond Good and Evil 2.

Here’s a video a beta tester generously shared. The vid’s shaky, but we take what we can get, right? Here you go:



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