Pocket God summons Episode 23, Bait Master, to iPhone

Pocket God - Image 1Bolt Creative sent out a press wire today announcing the upcoming launch of the 23rd free content update for Pocket God Episode 23, entitled “Bait Master”. Yes, that would be the iPhone game that sparked much controversy for supposedly containing racist connotations towards the Pacific Islanders. Details on Bait Master after the jump.

Bolt Creative sent out a press wire today announcing the upcoming launch of the 23rd free content update for Pocket God Episode 23, entitled “Bait Master”. Yes, that would be the iPhone game that sparked much controversy for supposedly containing racist connotations towards the Pacific Islanders.

Pocket God Bait Master - Image 1 

For Episode 23, the minigame takes the Islanders underwater. But first, to be able to activate the game, players must unlock the underwater area by summoning the tsunami from Episode 18, “Surf’s Up”. Waiting for you in the aquamarine territory are bloodthirsty piranhas, which you’ll then have to guide to the edge of the screen for their meals — your subjects. When they’re full, you take the same route back, so basically, you’re there to chaperon them for their feeding time.

Bolt Creative’s Dave Castelnuovo spoke of their daring game ideas:

With each episode, we’ve been pushing Pocket God in the direction of more interactivity, more engaging gameplay, and more ways to have fun wreaking havoc on your island. With the previous episode, “Ooga Jump”, and now with “Bait Master”, we’ve essentially developed and released full-fledged games for free. Twenty-three episodes in, I think it’s safe to say that Pocket God is just about the best value on the App Store.

Episode 23, “Bait Master” will be out on the App Store soon, for free.

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