Pocket Notes for Treo
March 28, 2006
e-Mobile Software, Inc. a major mobile software development company has released a software product to enable mobile users to create notes, organize notes by categories, color, subject and creation date just like Microsoft Outlook Notes on Pocket PC and Smartphone.
Some of the features in PocketNotes:
- Create notes just like MS Outlook!
- Associate notes with colors and multiple categories.
- Sort notes by date, subject and color.
- Filter notes by categories.
- View notes any way you want, category tree view, note list view and note detail view.
- Support Outlook synchronization via manual import/export process.

Some of the features in PocketNotes:
- Create notes just like MS Outlook!
- Associate notes with colors and multiple categories.
- Sort notes by date, subject and color.
- Filter notes by categories.
- View notes any way you want, category tree view, note list view and note detail view.
- Support Outlook synchronization via manual import/export process.