Portaball: PSP Flash Game
If you’ve already played Treasure Island Dizzy, based on the original 1987 game Dizzy by Codemasters or the virtual crossword game X word, then you’re already familiar with Shallan‘s impressive resume.
Here’s another PSP flash game from him called Portaball. Playing around it for while gave me a quick impression that it is a clone of the classic Breakout game, where you bounce the ball using a paddle to prevent it from falling and in turn bashing all the bricks above it.
Having studied some flash myself, I know that making this one is not that easy. Well, after all the game is not entirely graphics-based so I guess just a little tweak here and there will make this game better than its already-cool state. Overall, I think that it’s a pretty decent flash game for your PSP.
However, for those that want a cut-throat highly competitive game, you might want to pass on this one, but if you have more than enough time to spare, this is something that you can play to kill some of it. Looking forward to more games from you Shallan!
Shallan has hosted this one (along other of his flash-based games) in his PSP-formatted website. It is, however, on free hosting making the site prone to chrashes. If you intend to play it regularly, we suggest you download the .swf file and put it on your memory stick. Then, to play the game, simply type in “file:/PSP/*Insert directory here*/Portaball.swf on your PSP’s web browser. If you download it using your PSP’s File->Save link target function, you can access it from “file:/PSP/COMMON/Portaball.swf”.
Download: [Portaball]
If you’ve already played Treasure Island Dizzy, based on the original 1987 game Dizzy by Codemasters or the virtual crossword game X word, then you’re already familiar with Shallan‘s impressive resume.
Here’s another PSP flash game from him called Portaball. Playing around it for while gave me a quick impression that it is a clone of the classic Breakout game, where you bounce the ball using a paddle to prevent it from falling and in turn bashing all the bricks above it.
Having studied some flash myself, I know that making this one is not that easy. Well, after all the game is not entirely graphics-based so I guess just a little tweak here and there will make this game better than its already-cool state. Overall, I think that it’s a pretty decent flash game for your PSP.
However, for those that want a cut-throat highly competitive game, you might want to pass on this one, but if you have more than enough time to spare, this is something that you can play to kill some of it. Looking forward to more games from you Shallan!
Shallan has hosted this one (along other of his flash-based games) in his PSP-formatted website. It is, however, on free hosting making the site prone to chrashes. If you intend to play it regularly, we suggest you download the .swf file and put it on your memory stick. Then, to play the game, simply type in “file:/PSP/*Insert directory here*/Portaball.swf on your PSP’s web browser. If you download it using your PSP’s File->Save link target function, you can access it from “file:/PSP/COMMON/Portaball.swf”.
Download: [Portaball]