Portage of Nehe Tutorials 11 to 20 for PSPGL Released
Back in May, developer Edorul released Nehe Tutorials 1 to 10 modified to compile with PSPGL. He decided to continue with the portage and unleashed Nehe tutorials 11 to 20. But don’t expect to see tutorials 13, 14, and 15 as they require a whole new font system. Tutorial 18 is a no-show as well because it requires too many functions not implemented in PSPGL.
In order to port some of the tutorials, Edorul had to modify PSPGL. You will need this new version to compile and run all the tutorials.
Here’s a rundown of the modifications:
- you can modify the keys repeating with function “glutKeyRepeat” (beware of this function – it doesn’t exit in real OpenGL)
- a bug in glFog is fixed
- added Display Lists “flavour” functions; not all PSPGL functions are supported in Display Lists but you can modify them easily (glTexCoord4f IS THE PERFECT SAMPLE FOR DISPLAY LISTS MODIFICATION but don’t forget to add function’s prototype and an enum element at the end of “pspgl_internal.h”, add function code in “glDisplayList.c” and function’s name in __pspglFunctionToCall array always in “glDisplayList.c”)
Nehe11, Nehe12, Nehe16, Nehe17, Nehe19, Nehe20 are adaptations of cygwin version of Nehe tutorials modified in order run on a PSP. Each folder contains a working Makefile, “psp-setup.c” needed to compile pspgl programs and “copy.sh” that permits to copy directly your program to your PSP without living cygwin, just type “./copy.sh”.
Edorul has no plans to port more Nehe tutorials, so this could be the last of it. We’re pretty sure somebody else is willing to pick up the project and share new Nehe stuff with the PSP community.
Download: [Nehe Tutorials 11-20]
Download: [PSPGL Modified]
Back in May, developer Edorul released Nehe Tutorials 1 to 10 modified to compile with PSPGL. He decided to continue with the portage and unleashed Nehe tutorials 11 to 20. But don’t expect to see tutorials 13, 14, and 15 as they require a whole new font system. Tutorial 18 is a no-show as well because it requires too many functions not implemented in PSPGL.
In order to port some of the tutorials, Edorul had to modify PSPGL. You will need this new version to compile and run all the tutorials.
Here’s a rundown of the modifications:
- you can modify the keys repeating with function “glutKeyRepeat” (beware of this function – it doesn’t exit in real OpenGL)
- a bug in glFog is fixed
- added Display Lists “flavour” functions; not all PSPGL functions are supported in Display Lists but you can modify them easily (glTexCoord4f IS THE PERFECT SAMPLE FOR DISPLAY LISTS MODIFICATION but don’t forget to add function’s prototype and an enum element at the end of “pspgl_internal.h”, add function code in “glDisplayList.c” and function’s name in __pspglFunctionToCall array always in “glDisplayList.c”)
Nehe11, Nehe12, Nehe16, Nehe17, Nehe19, Nehe20 are adaptations of cygwin version of Nehe tutorials modified in order run on a PSP. Each folder contains a working Makefile, “psp-setup.c” needed to compile pspgl programs and “copy.sh” that permits to copy directly your program to your PSP without living cygwin, just type “./copy.sh”.
Edorul has no plans to port more Nehe tutorials, so this could be the last of it. We’re pretty sure somebody else is willing to pick up the project and share new Nehe stuff with the PSP community.
Download: [Nehe Tutorials 11-20]
Download: [PSPGL Modified]