Possibly the most useless accessory made for the DS…

We’ve come across this little accessory for the Nintendo DS. With intentions to be a useful gadget, it really does fail. By providing a means to power you DS when your battery is low, it has one flaw, how do you play when both of your hands are busy winding? Its baffled us, and I can only guess that if you wind for a long time, you might actually get a chance to play your favorite handheld. Either way, it seems like a ‘it was bound to happen’ gadget. Check it out in the video below…

Via youtube

We’ve come across this little accessory for the Nintendo DS. With intentions to be a useful gadget, it really does fail. By providing a means to power you DS when your battery is low, it has one flaw, how do you play when both of your hands are busy winding? Its baffled us, and I can only guess that if you wind for a long time, you might actually get a chance to play your favorite handheld. Either way, it seems like a ‘it was bound to happen’ gadget. Check it out in the video below…

Via youtube

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