PotBS dev blog update: details on upcoming Duel and Skirmish modes

Flying Lab Software's Pirates of the Burning Sea - Image 1If you’ve been enjoying some of the hardcore PvP action in Flying Lab Software‘s Pirates of the Burning Sea, then you’ll be happy to know that the developers have a couple of new features planned to help extend the enjoyability of blowing enemy ships out of the water even more. To find out the details of these new PvP modes, read them in the full article.

Screenshot of Flying Lab Software's Pirates of the Burning Sea - Image 1The developers from Flying Lab Software decided to update their dev blog with a couple of teaser features they have planned for their premiere pirate MMO game, Pirates of the Burning Sea.

If you’ve been keeping tabs on our other updates, it’s pretty obvious that PotBS places a huge focus on the PvP aspect of MMO gaming. As such, the developers are planning a couple of new features to help beef up the competitive level for PvP crazy players out there.

One of the features to be included in the version 1.3 patch of PotBS is the free-form Duel system. This feature is basically an open challenge issued against any other player in a port. Upon accepting the duel, the two players are then transported to an instanced Open Sea battleground where they can fight it out ship-to-ship.

There are no risks involved in this upcoming PvP feature. Aside from the ammunition and any items used during the battle, the loser of the fight doesn’t get anything taken away from him. The Duel is designed to give players a quick PvP fix with no strings attached.

On the other hand, the Skirmish mode is similar to an FPS challenge lobby where players can select a type of match and set the stipulations for anyone entering it. Since this game mode involves a higher level of risk, Skirmish features both experience and Marks of Victory as rewards for the winner.

The developers are looking to implement Skirmish mode by patch 1.5 and are exploring the option of creating other game modes for it like a King of The Hill or a Capture the Flag type of game.

Both features will become definite treats for PvP addicts once they both go live. However, the devs mentioned that they were also created to serve as a good example for the less PvP savvy players who slowly want to ease themselves into the highly competitive world of PotBS.

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