Preliminary info on WoW’s Mount Hyjal

More preliminary info on WoW's Mount Hyjal - Image 1

So Blizzard finally decided to let World of Warcraft (WoW) players walk into the dangerous grounds of Mount Hyjal. We even shared with you yesterday some of the early exploits and developments inside the zone. But today, we’ve got more information straight from the official WoW community site.

According to player Kaydeethree, players are sent to the middle of the Alliance Base after zoning in with no exit portal in sight. Also take note that zoning in will also yield the Scale of the Sands vendors as well as three sub-instance portals: Alliance, Night Elf and Horde. Players are sent to Alliance Base because the other portals are still closed.

Since the other locations are closed, the Alliance Base is naturally under attack. Kaydeethree mentioned that a lot of 70 elite NPCs located in the camp will help out but you have to make sure that Lady Jaina Proudmoore remains alive. If she dies, it’s over. Enemies come in waves, with 10 per each wave and at the start. The wave rate seems to be pegged at 1/12.

The player also noted that he wasn’t able to find the Onyxia-style raid instance near the tree much like in live Hyjal. Further down the mountain, an abom/ghoul/necromancer camp was found near the “invisiwall” but Kaydeethree wasn’t able to come closer because the enemies are hitting rather hard.

It seems like Mount Hyjal isn’t a letdown after all. A lot of things are going on in there and we can’t wait to see the zone for ourselves. As a last note, Kaydeethree provided these stats for Jewelcrafters and T6 Mage.

See the stats after the jump!

More prelimenary info on WoW's Mount Hyjal - Image 1

So Blizzard finally decided to let World of Warcraft (WoW) players walk into the dangerous grounds of Mount Hyjal. We even shared with you yesterday some of the early exploits and developments inside the zone. But today, we’ve got more information straight from the official WoW community site.

According to player Kaydeethree, players are sent to the middle of the Alliance Base after zoning in with no exit portal in sight. Also take note that zoning in will also yield the Scale of the Sands vendors as well as three sub-instance portals: Alliance, Night Elf and Horde. Players are sent to Alliance Base because the other portals are still closed.

Since the other locations are closed, the Alliance Base is naturally under attack. Kaydeethree mentioned that a lot of 70 elite NPCs located in the camp will help out but you have to make sure that Lady Jaina Proudmoore remains alive. If she dies, it’s over. Enemies come in waves, with 10 per each wave and at the start. The wave rate seems to be pegged at 1/12.

The player also noted that he wasn’t able to find the Onyxia-style raid instance near the tree much like in live Hyjal. Further down the mountain, an abom/ghoul/necromancer camp was found near the “invisiwall” but Kaydeethree wasn’t able to come closer because the enemies are hitting rather hard.

It seems like Mount Hyjal isn’t a letdown after all. A lot of things are going on in there and we can’t wait to see the zone for ourselves. As a last note, Kaydeethree provided these stats for Jewelcrafters and T6 Mage.

Jewelcrafters recipes:

  • Crimson Spinel: Friendly, 6g, red socket
    • Bold, +10 STR
    • Bright, +20 AP
    • Delicate, +10 AGI
    • Runed, +12 spelldmg
    • Subtle, +10 dodge rating
    • Teardrop, +22 healing
  • Empyrean Sapphire: Friendly, 6g, blue socket
    • Solid: 15 stam
    • Lustrous: 4 mp5
    • Sparkling: 10 spr
  • Lionseye: Friendly, 6g, friendly, yellow socket
    • Brilliiant: 10 int
    • Smooth: 10 crit rating
    • Gleaming: 10 spell crit rating
    • Thick: 10 defense rating
  • Shadowsong Amethyst, 6g, honored, red/blue socket
    • Balanced: 10 AP, 7 stam
    • Glowing: 6 spelldmg, 7 stam
    • Pyrestone: 6g, honored, red/yellow socket
    • Glinting: 5 hit rating, 5 agi
    • Luminous: 11 healing, 5 int
    • Potent: 5 spill crit, 6 spell dmg
  • Seaspray Emerald: 6g, honored, blue/yellow
    • Dazzling: 5 int, 2 mp5
    • Jagged: 5 crit rating, 7 stam
    • Radiant: 5 spell crit, 6 spell pen
    • Enduring: 5 defense, 7 stam
  • Pyrestone, revered:
    • Wicked: 5 crit rating, 10 ap
  • Shadowsong Amethyst, revered
    • Royal: 11 healing, 2mp5

T6 Mage:

  • Cowl of the Tempest, Head
    • 184 armor, 24 stam, 37 int, 25 spirit
    • meta, yellow socket, socket bonus: 6 stam
    • Equip: +10 spellhit, +26 spellcrit, +57 dmg/healing
  • Gloves of the Tempest, Hands
    • 142 armor, 27 stam, 24 int, 19 spirit
    • yellow socket, bonus +2 spelldmg
    • Equip: 18 spellhit, 16 spellcrit, 42 dmg/healing
  • Leggings of the Tempest, Legs
    • 198 armor, 30 stam, 36 int, 26 spirit
    • yellow, blue socket; socket bonus +4 spelldmg
    • Equip: 17 spellhit, 26 spellcrit, 57 dmg/healing
  • Mantle of the Tempest, Shoulder
    • 170 armor, 24 Stam, 24 Int, 18 Spirit
    • Yellow, Blue sockets; socket bonus: +4 dmg
    • Equip: 18 spellcrit, 42 dmg/healing, 15 pen
  • Robes of the Tempest, Chest
    • 227 armor, 30 stam, 36 int, 28 spirit
    • Yellow, Yellow, Blue: 5 spelldmg
    • Equip: 10 spellhit, 20 spellcrit, 57 dmg/healing
  • Set bonuses
    • (2): Increases the duration of Evocation by 2s
    • (4): Increases fireball, frostbolt and arcane missiles by 5%

Via WoW Forums

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