I know this is the game most of you have been waiting for – Project Gotham Racing 3, definitely the slickest and most graphically impressive racing game to hit any console. Will it play as well as it looks? Well, now’s your chance to find out. head over to Xbox Live and you’ll find a new demo available… but it’s a big ‘un weighing in at a whopping 1.25 GB. So clear some space on your 360 and settle in for a bit of a wait as you download this demo of next-gen racing.
I know this is the game most of you have been waiting for – Project Gotham Racing 3, definitely the slickest and most graphically impressive racing game to hit any console. Will it play as well as it looks? Well, now’s your chance to find out. head over to Xbox Live and you’ll find a new demo available… but it’s a big ‘un weighing in at a whopping 1.25 GB. So clear some space on your 360 and settle in for a bit of a wait as you download this demo of next-gen racing.