PS3 Firmware 2.40 to really include in-game XMB? *leaked video Update*

PS3 firmware 2.40 to really include in-game XMB? - Image 1We’ve waded these waters before, I know, but it seems the whispers just won’t stop. First it was a Sony Computer Entertainment UK executive that put the phrases “in-game communication” and “firmware 2.4” in the same sentence, and then several other folk started whistling to the same tune. Now we’ve got more wood to fuel the rumor fires, thanks to the new leaked video we tripped upon. See for yourself at the full article.

PS3 firmware 2.40 to really include in-game XMB? - Image 1

Originally posted 2008-05-29, 21:39

Jim Cordeira of Gaming Age says that they’ve received word that Sony‘s Firmware 2.40 for the PlayStation 3 is “the real deal” and will be arriving real soon. Features confirmed to them by their source includes in-game communication, a universal friends list, and in-game access to music tracks.

We’ve also heard word from Videogaming247 (external link) that they too have been notified by an unnamed source that Sony’s PlayStation Firmware 2.40 will sport in-game XMB, trophy support, and in-game XMB access to play your own music. Mere coincidence?

We would have settled at that, but then developers from Criterion Games corroborated in-game music features in the PlayStation 3 version of Burnout Paradise. While the Cagney update is under development, and therefore also “coming soon,” the additional feature it includes is exclusive to the PS3 version. It says a lot, doesn’t it?

Even folks at NeoGAF has reason to believe that Firmware 2.40 will sport more features than was previously speculated. While we aren’t going to say that these details are officially confirmed, there’s a lot of smoke billowing from outside sources. And where there’s smoke…

*UPDATE*: Let’s try this again: “PS3 Firmware 2.40 to really include in-game XMB?”

Judging from the recent video, PS3 Firmware 2.40 most probably will. Oh and we know – that’s 2K GamesBioShock that the unseen player resumed from the Xross Media Bar’s Game menu. Since BioShock is really coming to PS3, feel free to believe that in-game XMB access is coming, too.

Thanks to QJ.NET reader duy817 for the tip.

Via Gaming Age

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