PS3 Weekend Warrior: a fiery Titan, a bright future, and a brazen challenge
Big things are afoot for the PlayStation 3, now that Sony‘s revealed their plans for the PlayStation Network. The news has just been pouring in this week; we got news on new release dates and fake release dates, we got delayed games but we also got new stuff for PS Home, and finally, it seems Sony has itself a challenge. Microsoft says they have something better than Killzone 2. O rly?
Click on the link for this week’s PS3 Weekend Warrior!
Big things are afoot for the PlayStation 3, now that Sony‘s revealed their plans for the PlayStation Network. The news has just been pouring in this week; we got news on new release dates and fake release dates, we got delayed games but we also got new stuff for PS Home, and finally, it seems Sony has itself a challenge. Microsoft says they have something better than Killzone 2. O rly?
Let’s get started with this week’s PS3 Weekend Warrior. Here are the biggest things that happened this week, all lined up pretty-like, just for you:
Game News
- Metal Gear Online‘s SCENE expansion gets a release date, and new details. Link.
- The Titan DLC Pack for the PS3 version of Unreal Tournament 3 gets delayed. Link.
- Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena demo for the PS3 also gets delayed. Link.
- InFamous gets a release window for this June, but the demo date hasn’t been confirmed yet. Link.
- Killzone 2 gets a patch to improve stability. Link.
- God of War III September 25 release date is a fake, but we will find out the real release date on E3. Link.
- But we do get new awesome new concept art of GoW III‘s Fire Titan. Link.
PlayStation Network and PlayStation Home
- PSN updated with some new stuff, including Street Fighter IV items for PS Home, as well as new game demos. Link.
- Big things in store for the PlayStation Network, which will be integrated into other Sony products, as part of the company’s restructuring. Link.
- PlayStation Home Resident Evil 5 Space launched. Link.
- Other upcoming content for PS Home. Link.
Homebrew and… stuff
- PS3 Media Server gets major update, and now has DTS Streaming. Link.
- A clarification on the PS3 HDD Decryption. It was decrypted. Sorta. Link.
- Someone got StarCraft to run on the PlayStation 3 using Yellow Dog Linux. Link.
Just because
- Microsoft says they have something better than Killzone 2. O RLY? Link.
And that’s it for this week, gamers. What do you think Microsoft has up its sleeve? A new Gears game? A new IP perhaps? And how are they planning to compete with the PS3’s Blu-ray capabilities? And will Batman ever escape the Joker’s fiendish plot? Kapow! Waitaminnit… anyway, see you all in next week’s Warrior!