PS3 Weekend Warrior: epic updates from GDC
This week’s PS3 Weekend Warrior‘s quite the epic. The news has just been pouring in from all sides after weeks of slow news. GDC just wrapped up and we’ve had a ton of updates on a lot of highly anticipated games. There’s news on a new Metal Gear game, lots of new updates on God of War 3, and the announcement of a new Ratchet and Clank game!
This week’s PS3 Weekend Warrior‘s quite the epic. The news has just been pouring in from all sides after weeks of slow news. GDC just wrapped up and we’ve had a ton of updates on a lot of highly anticipated games. There’s news on a new Metal Gear game, lots of new updates on God of War 3, and the announcement of a new Ratchet and Clank game!
Enough dawdling, let’s get started.
General Gaming news:
- Seeing the Yellow Light is not death. It’s just purgatory. Learn how to save yourself. Link.
- Sony’s got a lot more games in store for us this year. Link.
- Guerrilla Games gets serious with glitchers in Killzone 2. Johnny Depp serious. Link.
- The next Katamari game will be coming to the PlayStation 3. Link.
- Naaaa-na-na-na-na-na-na-naa-cel-sha-ded-katamari-damacyyyy. Link.
- Ratchet is off to save Clank in a new adventure: A Crack in Time. Link.
- Holy awesome titles, Batman! Sony has a new game! Link.
- Final Fantasy Versus XIII has made a landmark leap in development. They finally finished the designs for the main characters’ clothing! Link.
- On the other side of the spectrum, Final Fantasy XIII is nearing completion (link), and there are new details on the ATB system thanks to new scans. Link.
- There’s gonna be a free Killzone 2 in 4D demo this Thursday! Link.
GDC updates:
- Kojima flashes the next MGS, but didn’t show the whole package. Link.
- God of War III not locked at 60 fps, and “has no physics.” Say whut? Link.
- Wanna know how to ride a Cyclops in God of War III? (link) How about a harpy? (link).
- More miscellaneous God of War III stuff. Link 1. Link 2.
- LittleBigPlanet is only “halfway through” says Media Molecule. Link.
- Sub-sign-in feature in LittleBigPlanet will be added to some high profile games. Link.
- The new Team Ico game will be a lot like… the original Ico game. Didn’t see that coming. Link.
- Fat Princess single-mode player details. Link.
- Going down to the itsy-bitsy teeny weeny details in Uncharted 2. Link.
- Ryu Hayabusa is back, with new playable bosom-buddies. More emphasis on the bosom than the buddy. Link.
PlayStation Home and PlayStation Network:
- Step right up folks, step right up! Getcha free summer home, at Home, right here. Link.
- Sony plans to launch at least 3 spaces a month. Really now. Link.
- Ok, this PSN video update has Twilight, but it has a lot of other stuff that isn’t unwatchable. Link.
- The PSN Store update on the other hand, has a whole lot more to offer. Link.
- Sony butters up developers to make more games on PSN. Link.
Videos from GDC 09:
Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time debut trailer. Link.
More assplotions in the latest inFamous trailer. Link.
Nate shows off his leet climbing skills in the latest Uncharted 2 trailer. Link.
And that’s it for this week folks. Whew, quite a haul, eh? GDC was something this year. Here’s hoping E3 will be able to catch up.