PS3-playable PSOne titles grace Japan PlayStation Store

You do know PSOne discs are playable with the PS3, right? - Image 1The Japanese site has been updated to display the first batch of PS3-playable PSOne titles that can be purchased-downloaded to Sony‘s next-gen console. And since it is Japanese and Google Translate is of not help here, we’ve checked alternate sources to hit up some translations of those titles. So far, we’ve got Resident Evil (Biohazard) Director’s Cut, R-Types, Tekken 2 and Bishi Bashi Special from MCV and CVG; care to translate the rest?

At the same time, there are a bunch of PSOne titles in the Store that are PSP-only, CVG and MCV report – not to mention the caveat’s in the site as well (also says you need FW 3.40)… so if this is an indicator, it seems, so far, that there will be two categories of PSOne downloadables in the store: for PS3/PSP and for PSP-only.

You do know PSOne discs are playable with the PS3, right? - Image 1The Japanese site has been updated to display the first batch of PS3-playable PSOne titles that can be purchased-downloaded to Sony‘s next-gen console. And since it is Japanese and Google Translate is of not help here, we’ve checked alternate sources to hit up some translations of those titles. So far, we’ve got Resident Evil (Biohazard) Director’s Cut, R-Types, Tekken 2 and Bishi Bashi Special from MCV and CVG; care to translate the rest?

At the same time, there are a bunch of PSOne titles in the Store that are PSP-only, CVG and MCV report – not to mention the caveat’s in the site as well (also says you need FW 3.40)… so if this is an indicator, it seems, so far, that there will be two categories of PSOne downloadables in the store: for PS3/PSP and for PSP-only.

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