PSN US Digital Comics Update 06/02
June 3, 2010
Here’s your weekly dose of PSN Digital Comics Update. Headlining this weeks content is the new Prince of Persia – The Sands of Time Graphic Novel and the latest issue of the Powers series. Full list after the jump!

Here’s your weekly dose of PSN Digital Comics Update. Headlining this weeks content is the new Prince of Persia – The Sands of Time Graphic Novel and the latest issue of the Powers series.
Here’s the full list:
- 2000AD Prog # 1682
- Atomic Robo Vol.3 # 4
- Beyond # 2
- Criminal (2006) # 8
- Criminal (2006) # 9
- Devi # 2
- Donald Duck and the Contact Savingitis
- Donald Duckling and the Assisted Courtship
- Eat the Dead # 2
- Hope Falls # 1
- Kong: King of Skull Island # 5
- Powers (2000) # 7
- Powers (2000) # 8
- Prince of Persia – The Sands of Time # 1
- Ramayan 3392 AD # 2
- The Sadhu # 2
- Serpent Wars # 4
- Snakewoman # 2
- Virulents # 2
- Walk-In # 2
- X-Mickey # 13
- Zombie Broadway # 2
Via [US PlayStation Blog]