PSP Comics will have audio commentary
Good news for the hardcore comics enthusiasts out there. Sony is adding some DVD-esque bonuses to their upcoming PSP comics service by way of audio commentaries from the creators. Hit the jump for details.
Sony is adding some DVD-esque bonuses to their upcoming PSP comics service by way of audio commentaries from the creators. Just like how the DVD commentaries are a useful trove of info for those who want to learn more about the inner workings of a film, this should also prove to be the same for comics enthusiasts.
Publisher IDW has confirmed that Wormwood, one of their launch offerings, will include audio commentary from artist Ben Templesmith. While IDW’s the only one who has confirmed it so far, Sony says it’s an optional feature available to all publishers.
Sony hasn’t said anything definite yet on how this will affect pricing (it might depend on the publishers themselves), but it shouldn’t weigh the download down too much since it’s mostly just compressed mp3s.
Via [Kotaku]