PSP Go!Explore GPS Navigation System: European launch, screens
Last August, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe demonstrated the new Go!Explore Navigation System for the PSP at the Leipzig Games Convention. They’ve now announced that the new service will be launching in Europe soon, in early Spring. They’ve also supplied some pictures and details on Go!Explore, check them out in the full article.
Remember Go!Explore? It was part of the new Go! services that Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) demonstrated back at the Leipzig Games Convention. Now they have just announced that Go!Explore will be launching in Europe in early Spring.
Go!Explore is a new GPS navigational system for the PSP. You attach a GPS receiver into the device and loading a UMD that contains the relevant maps in your area. With these, you’ve got yourself a 3D map that will let you figure out how to go where you want to go.
Relevant landmarks are also marked on the map (modeled in 3D too) as well as useful places such as gas stations and restaurants. You can check out our previous article on it to watch a demonstration.
The GPS receiver and UMD containing the maps are expected to retail for EUR 119 (US$ 175) and will be initially available in the UK, Ireland, France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Italy, the Nordic countries, and Benelux.
The service will also be available in 11 different audio languages. Check out the Go!Explore screenshots by clicking on the images.