PSP Guitar Tuner v0.1
Did you ever wish that your PSP could play guitar tunes? Well while we don’t have one particular game that will allow us to strum with our handhelds, maybe this homebrew application, PSP Guitar v0.1 can suffice for now. It “turns your PSP in a guitar”. Interested? Check it out after the jump.
Download: PSP Guitar Tuner v0.1
Here’s a little something for guitar lovers out there. Ktix007 comes with his PSP Guitar Tuner v0.1. It’s pretty cool, actually, as it’s described as an application that will “turn our PSP in a ‘guitar’.”
Although its just in it’s very initial version, it’s looking promising as it is. Ktix007 also promises that there’ll be more to come. So just keep it posted here for more updates, and do enjoy.
Download: PSP Guitar Tuner v0.1
Via PSP Scenebeta