PSP homebrew – AirCrack-PSP test 0.52
QJ.NET reader Clippy165 has informed us that homebrew dev Gaby_64 has let loose a new test release for AirCrack-PSP. This app is a PSP port of DSaircrack, which itself is a port of the WEP/WPA-PSK key cracking program Aircrack-ng.
Download: AirCrack-PSP test 0.52
QJ.NET reader Clippy165 has informed us that homebrew dev Gaby_64 has let loose a new test release for AirCrack-PSP. This app is a PSP port of DSaircrack, which itself is a port of the WEP/WPA-PSK key cracking program Aircrack-ng. Here’s Gaby_64’s explanation:
This is not an actual port of the aircrack-ng, this is a port of DSaircrack to PSP (Well actually now it is) . But this will not just consist of cracking the cap file but also finding an AP, dumping packets in a cap file then decrypt it!
Currently its in testing. The decrypting part doesnt work right now (I used the DS aircrack source for that), I will later on in the next release opt for the original aircrack function
And here’s the changelog for test 0.52:
- Lots of bug fixes [1 bug left, look at the warning]
- WEP ptw attack function [It works and its fast]
- Small file selector [WARNING: Files shorter then 9 characters will not appear]
- A Primitive GUI
- Ap detection and selector (select witch AP to crack and see its info(security type, ssid, etc))
- the DS attack function (got replaced with one that works)
Download: AirCrack-PSP test 0.52
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Via PSP Advice