PSP homebrew: Battle Fantasy v0.1 Demo
For something coded in Lua, this is pretty cool. That and it’s still just a demo, even! Dark_Shark of the Dark_Devs team has come up with a demo of his project: Battle Fantasy v0.1. It’s pretty straightforward, actually – it’s a homebrew fighting game pitting together characters from different manga universes.
Download: Battle Fantasy v0.1 Demo
Visit: QJ.NET PSP development forums
For something coded in Lua, this is pretty cool. That and it’s still just a demo, even! Dark_Shark of the Dark_Devs team has come up with a demo of his project: Battle Fantasy v0.1. It’s pretty straightforward, actually – it’s a homebrew fighting game pitting together characters from different manga universes.
It would be nice to see where this homebrew project could go, and which characters would end up in here. From Dark_Shark:
In this first version, you can play with Naruto fighting with Goku. The movements are available to jump, punch, kick, teleport, defend and recover energy.
Controls are as follows:
- Up to Teleport
- Triangle and 100 energy for special
- Down for Recover energy
- Circle to Kick
- Square to Punch
- Cross to Jump
- R to Defense
- Start for Pause
Hmm, I might actually enjoy this more than Dragonball: Evolution.
Download: Battle Fantasy v0.1 Demo
Visit: QJ.NET PSP development forums
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