PSP Homebrew – BinaryWatch
Here’s a something that’s a little more futuristic for your PSP. V0odOo has released his homebrewed Binary clock program for your favorite Sony handheld. Do you know how to use one yet? Check it out after the jump.
Thanks to Marko for the tip!
Download: BinaryWatch
V0odOo of the German Portable News forums says he’s always wanted a binary clock, but doesn’t want to spend for one. So, what he did instead was to create his own by writing one for the PSP in Lua.
Binary clocks are interesting, indeed. Essentially, it is a digital clock that displays time in Binary dar. Now all you have to do is to learn how to read one. For more details and information, you can head to his site at the source link below.
Thanks to Marko for the tip!
Download: BInaryWatch
Via Portable News