PSP homebrew – Bush Shooter 2008
This game may not boast the most elaborate code in the homebrew community, but if you’ve got a bone to pick with former president George W. Bush or simply want to mess around, the craziness1’s Bush Shooter 2008 ought to be worth a few laughs.
Download: Bush Shooter 2008
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development Forum
This game may not boast the most elaborate code in the homebrew community, but if you’ve got a bone to pick with former president George W. Bush or simply want to mess around, thecraziness1’s Bush Shooter 2008 ought to be worth a few laughs.
thecraziness1 coded this one in C/C+ and he’s had it for some time now. But because people asked him to release it, he took a trip to our PSP Development Forum and let us in on the fun.
Download: Bush Shooter 2008
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development Forum
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