PSP homebrew – CoderPR v0.8.5
For those who need some help with getting through particularly tricky spots in their PSP games, here’s a new version of CoderPR, a NitePR mod from homebrew developer Murderface. Check out the full article for a complete changelog.
Download: CoderPR v0.8.5
For those who need some help with getting through particularly tricky spots in their PSP games, here’s a new version of CoderPR, a NitePR mod from homebrew developer Murderface. Here’s the changelog for version 0.8.5:
- Some text has been changed to be more user-friendly/include credits
- Option to “Import cheats from NitePR” has been added
- USB Mode has been added, Please not that some games are not usb-compatible and may crash, but most will work fine.
- “Refresh Cheats” Has been added, this empites all temporary changes to you current cheat list, and loads the ones specified in your game’s .txt file
- Real Addressing has been turned off by requests, however is switchable via menu
- Due to increasing complaints, key combo to open coderpr has been changed back to Vol + & Vol –
- Search now displays first 200 results
- Can now use larger cheat database than before
- Key delay for Range menu has been fixed
- Length of allowed Cheat names has been increased, from 32, to 50!
- Allows Cheat Renaming In-Menu, Press select while hovered on a cheat to bring up menu.(Still in beta phase)
- You can now scroll quickly through search results as well, press SQUARE + Right/Left to scroll fast
- You can now use nitepred.exe to change the default key combos. Simply rename the coderpr.prx to nitepr.prx, run the application, edit the key combo’s then rename back to coderPR.prx and use as you normally would.
Note that this mod doesn’t use the default NitePR folder for cheat loading. If you also have NitePR installed but want to use this mod, make sure to put the NitePR .txt files in the “ms0:/coderPR/cheats/” folder.
Thanks to Murderface for the tip!
Download: CoderPR v0.8.5
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Via CoderPR