PSP homebrew – CXMB-override v0.2
Homebrew coder AtomicDryad has dropped by our forums to release a new version of CXMB-override, a handy homebrew application that allows you to mix-and-match “different components of different themes without having to unpack and repack .ctf files, or write anything to flash0.” More after the jump!
Download: CXMB-override v0.2
Discuss: QJ.NET’s PSP Development forums
Homebrew coder AtomicDryad has dropped by our forums to release a new version of CXMB-override, a handy homebrew application that allows you to mix-and-match “different components of different themes without having to unpack and repack .ctf files, or write anything to flash0.”
Developer’s note:
Before you use this, be sure to know how to use RECOVERY MODE to disable the plugin, if you put in a bad replacement.
This is cxmb with matchung’s changes for 5.50gen functionality, plus the ability to load individual theme related files from the memory stick (rco/bmp/pmf/prx/etc). Thus, one can use different components of different themes without having to unpack and repack .ctf files, or write anything to flash0.
If any file exists on the memory stick in the /cxmb/override/vsh/module, /cxmb/override/vsh/resource, or /cxmb/override/font folders, it will load the file -instead- of whatever is (or isn’t) in a .ctf.
Yes, this includes .prx files, (except for paf.prx, common_gui.prx, and vshmain.prx which will be added later). This means you can hex edit htmlviewer_plugin.prx and change the ‘online instruction manuals’ link to whatever, without unpacking and repacking your .ctf. This also opens the possibility for homebrew to edit this sort of thing onboard – for now, pspconsole’s hex editor works great for onboard tweaking.
This is intended for theme developers, power users, and anyone who wishes to use their own gameboot, 01-12.bmp, sounds, or whatever, instead of what may be in the loaded theme.
As CXMB is licensed under the GPL, the full source code is provided in the source directory.
- For now, one must have a .ctf theme loaded for /cxmb/override/ to work.
- As in the original cxmb, lflash_drv->funcs->IoWrite is -not- hooked.
- Semi-bricking possible if one puts in a bad .prx or .rco – this can be fixed by disabling cxmb-override.prx in recovery mode.
- Adding certain stuff like 01-12.bmp will require a reboot. Others like gameboot.pmf do not require it. When in doubt, reboot.
- Simply tossing in a gameboot.pmf will not change the playing time. Find or edit the appropriate vsh/resource/opening_plugin.rco. MyGameboot.prx is a better plugin if you simply want this functionality.
- Likewise, 01-12.bmp with multiple images will not work if the chunksize for individual images is different in vshmain.prx(?). Find a theme that you like and rip/edit the 01-12.bmp from that.
- The included binary outputs debugging messages, which are normally invisible but may have a performance impact.
- Fixed 5.00m33 support
For more info about the release, please read the README provided in the download.
Download: CXMB-override v0.2
Discuss: QJ.NET’s PSP Development forums