PSP homebrew – DaedalusX64 Alpha Rev 498
Oh snap, that was quick! The team behind the ever-popular Nintendo 64 emulator for the PSP is back once again in the homebrew scene to release another build of the DaedalusX64 project.
Download: DaedalusX64 Alpha Rev 498
Oh snap, that was quick! The team behind the ever-popular Nintendo 64 emulator for the PSP is back once again in the homebrew scene to release another build of the DaedalusX64 project.
- [~] Started cleaning Readme file
- [!] Updated Roms.ini with 99% of [!] Roms (Wetrix and down aren’t included as I didn’t have these)
- [+] Added Blendmodes to navigate Extreme GX2 menus.
Download: DaedalusX64 Alpha Rev 498
Via [DaedalusX64]