PSP Homebrew – FBA lbicelyne 1119 preV12 Demo3 *UPDATE*
We now have the latest release from Ibicelyne of his CPS 1, 2, 3, 4 and more emulator for the PSP. We have more info for you after the jump.
Download: FBA lbicelyne 1119 preV12 Demo3
Originally posted on 19 November, 2008, 7:28PM
This one’s gonna be short, folks. We now have the latest release from Ibicelyne of his CPS 1, 2, 3, 4 and more emulator for the PSP.
Unfortunately, that is all the detail we have on it. No such luck on the Readme as well — there’s no Readme in the file in the first place. Well, maybe we’ll have better luck next time. But for now, this is it. Told ya it was gonna be short.
Download: FBA lbicelyne 1119 preV12 Demo3
*UPDATE*We now have more information on this release. Hooray!
Okay, here’s what the dev has to say about it:
Many FBA game drivers are very old. they have some kinds of issues. FBA’s driver is nearly the same to Mame. So if you have interests, please help update the issue drivers and public your new release. I will integrate it into official version. Thank you for your help! I will forcus on improving FBA4PSP’s efficiency.
- Please use R+Select to return to your menu instead of L button from V10 version on. And the new version could not work properly under 1.5 kernel mode.
There ya go.