PSP homebrew for chem geeks: The Portable Table of Elements
If you needed to brush up on your chemistry, here’s the Portable Table of Elements from MasterChafed. It’s just what it suggests it is: a periodic table of elements for the PSP. Just what any chem geek would love to have on the go, yes? And yes, chemistry is cool. There. I said it!
Download: The Portable Table of Elements
If you needed to brush up on your chemistry, here’s the Portable Table of Elements from MasterChafed. It’s just what it suggests it is: a periodic table of elements for the PSP. Just what any chemistry geek would love to have on the go, yes? Well, it definitely beats having to lug around huge text books!
You use the analog nub to scroll around the table. Hitting the X button will access the certain element you want to check out.
Currently, this version only supports CFWs that have the GAME150 folder structure. MasterChafed will eventually release a new version which supports more CFW.
The download contains a readme for instructions and app useage. MasterChafed is thinking of adding improvements to this project, so if you guys have any suggestions, send them in!
Download: The Portable Table of Elements
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Via DCEmu