PSP homebrew game: Comando Suicida 2
Eskema is back! From the homebrew dev that brought you Biohazard2 PSP (aka “the homebrew game that looks like Zombies Ate My Neighbors“) comes another shooter: Comando Suicida 2.
Download: Comando Suicida 2
Visit: QJ.NET PSP development forum
Eskema is back! Some of you who’ve been around since 2006 or early 2007 will remember him for his previous release, Biohazard2 PSP (aka “the homebrew game that looks like Zombies Ate My Neighbors“). Today, he’s released a new game: Comando Suicida 2.
The goal in the game is to go wild and kill all enemy units until smoe reinforcements arrive. Simple enough, yes? Just like his Biohazard PSP, this new game of his is, in his words, “basically a shooter for those bored moments.” No complaints here! It actually gets addicting after a while.
Download: Comando Suicida 2
Visit: QJ.NET PSP development forum
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