PSP homebrew game: SnowKillz

Homebrew - SnowKillz - Image 1PSP homebrew developer Monkit has released a new game called SnowKillz. It’s basically a shooter, only with snowballs! To avoid any confrontations with Jack Thompson? Kidding. The game may use snowballs, but the fields will still run red. More details after the link.

Download: SnowKillz
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development Forums

Homebrew - SnowKillz - Image 1 Homebrew - SnowKillz - Image 2

PSP homebrew developer Monkit has released a new game called SnowKillz. It’s basically a shooter, only with snowballs! To avoid any confrontations with Jack Thompson? Kidding. SnowKillz  is still in Alpha mode, so all features aren’t available yet.

According to Monkit, the game’s loading time is a little slow, but bear with it a bit so you can get to the snowy carnage after. Here are the release notes:

The game is currently in alpha mode, gameplay is not there yet. But you could enter level mode and see how the game would be like.

The menu just basically shows the AI part. That is the main thing I want people to see. A nice bloody battle field that is rather cute… lolz


  • Analog: move around
  • R: Shoot
  • Triangle, square, circle, x: move aimming

Download: SnowKillz
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development Forums

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