PSP homebrew – Half Byte Loader revision 85

pspred_thumbFor those keeping an eye on the development of the Half Byte Loader project, here’s the latest stable release of the said homebrew, courtesy of wololo, m0skit0 and ab5000. Just a little refresher for anyone asking, the Half Byte Loader project is an open source Homebrew Loader for the Sony PSP that allows you to play homebrews on any PSP, including the PSP Go, running on firmwares up to 6.20.


Download: Half Byte Loader revision 85



For those keeping an eye on the development of the Half Byte Loader project, here’s the latest stable release of the said homebrew, courtesy of wololo, m0skit0 and ab5000. Just a little refresher for anyone asking, the Half Byte Loader project is an open source Homebrew Loader for the Sony PSP that allows you to play homebrews on any PSP, including the PSP Go, running on firmwares up to 6.20.


Developer’s note:

After discussing with the other devs, we’ve taken the decision to revert an important change from the HBL. Basically I wasn’t satisfied with the changes made in revision 80. They are good changes for the future of HBL, but they were too experimental for now. For these reason, the project is now split into two versions. We will try to keep the trunk version roughly operational, while the “p5″ branch will contain experimental developments. When we are satisfied with the experimental stuff, we will merge them back into the main project.

Anyways, it means more headaches for us with several versions to maintain, but hopefully more stability for the end users from now on. Revision 85 is basically revision 79 + all the important bug fixes from revisions 80 to 83 + a few extra fixes. There is no compatibility changes, but I’m happy to say that this is now the version I recommend to use. It fixes some issues with Wagic, Daedalus, gpsp, that appeared in revisions 80~83. It also fixes the issues with the power button (sleep mode)


For more info about the release, please read the README included in the file.


Download: Half Byte Loader revision 85

Download: Half Byte Loader revision 85 (Dev)



Via [wololo]

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