PSP Homebrew – Hangman mod pack v.01

Hangman mod pack v0.1 - Image 1You are the lifeline of the soon-to-be-hanged dude, and his fate is all in your ability to guess the word for a particular category, and spelling them right. Hangman mod pack v0.1 is from Homebrew Modder.

Download: Hangman mod pack v0.1
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Hangman mod pack v0.1 - Image 1 HomebrewModder lives up to his name and mods PSPwner‘s Hangman’s game data. This time it’s playable  in more platforms like those from Nintendo, Xbox, Linux, and of course, the best homebrew platform thus far, Sony‘s PSP.

This game needs little introduction for itself. The fate of the character lies in your hands, or rather, your ability to guess what the word is for a particular category. For every wrong letter you spell out, parts of the soon-to-be-hanged dude appears on screen.

It’s not a very pleasant scenario, but I admit I sometimes would rather misspell deliberately the words just so I could get the kangaroo in Hangaroo pissed off.

Download: Hangman mod pack v0.1
Discuss: QJ.NET’s PSP forums

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