PSP Homebrew – iPlay Roche Papier Ciseaux
October 6, 2008
Rock beats Scissors, Scissors beats Paper, Paper beats Rock. Outwit your opponent in this classic game turned modern, iPlay Roche Papier Ciseaux on the PSP. More details await after the jump.
Download: iPlay Roche Papier Ciseaux
Rock Paper Scissors is once again making its way to the PSP, thanks to j3r3mie‘s iPlay Roche Papier Ciseaux homebrew game.
This version has three modes to it, which are the following:
- Against PSP
- Against another player on the PSP
- Against another player Adhoc
Now, do take note that the Adhoc mode allows for only one party in this version. Don’t forget to go through the Readme!
Download: iPlay Roche Papier Ciseaux
Via j3r3miedev