PSP Homebrew- Lockdown v2.0 *update*

Lockdown v2.0 - Image 1Homebrew developer Torch has announced that Lockdown v2.0 (and just recently version 2.1) is now out. For those who have never heard of this application, it is a flash based program which allows users to password protect their PSP. To find out more, head on over to the full article for more information.

Download: Lockdown v2.1
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development Forums

Lockdown v2.0 - Image 1 Lockdown v2.0 - Image 2 

Homebrew developer Torch dropped by our forums to announce that Lockdown has been updated to version 2.0. For those who haven’t heard of this application, it is a flash based program which allows users to password protect their PSP. It also protects the units recovery menu and cannot be undone without, as the dev put it, ” considerable effort.”

The latest version of this application now has full support for both the PSP Phat and PSP Slim. In addition, the program also doesn’t use as much RAM as previous releases meaning that it shouldn’t interfere with other plug-ins. However, Torch noted that having too many plug-ins enabled in VSH mode may cause the application not to run.

That said, be sure to go over the readme file included with the application for the full installation instructions.

Download: Lockdown v2.1
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development Forums

*Update* Torch recently updated Lockdown to version 2.1. While no changes were made to the functionality of the application, the developer did take out a few unnecessary files that were in the previous release. Here’s the change log as taken from the release thread:

  • Removed a bunch of object files that were accidentally linked into the debug version. It shouldn’t affect the functionality in anyway though.

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